Highlands Ranch Community Association - Backcountry Wilderness Area

Community OrganizationsNon-Profit Organizations
- 9568 South University Boulevard Highlands Ranch CO 80126
- (303) 791-8958
- (303) 791-6705
- Send Email
- Visit Website
Visit http://hrcaonline.org/HRCAInfo/R for each recreation center and administration office hours.
Driving Directions:
Visit https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=116343399210443254053.00045fe88dd616098fac7&z=13&dg=feature for a map to each recreation center and administrative office.
About Us
The Highlands Ranch Community Association (HRCA) is a nationally award-winning nonprofit organization for 30,411 home owners in Highlands Ranch. The HRCA maintains four state-of-the-art recreation facilities, provides architectural control and covenant enforcement, programs youth and adult fitness programs and educational opportunities, manages the Backcountry Wilderness Area, and hosts over 100 community events per year.
The HRCA strives to ''build the lifestyle that you want to live'' so that Highlands Ranch will continue to be a great place to live, work, and play.